Nicholas Walker’s 2-for-1 Site
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There are 50 of my books on the site, most of them have already been published mass market and have sold all over the world however these are the updated, uncensored, most recent editions.

Downloading to Kindle. You can choose various formats but for Kindle you need EPub. Download it then open up your Kindle and drag it across. Then you need to drag it on your Kindle to documents and it will appear. Took me days to work that out!
For Those Of You Who Are Tech Challenged (me for one): the process is pretty straightforward but contact us (above) and my daughter has prepared a step by step guide which we will email you. Downloads should be immediate but please allow 12 hours then if it doesn’t work contact us and we will send your books manually.
Audiobooks: to get a free trial of Going Round the Bend on the QE2 click on:
Dr Nick’s Books

Going Barmy in Britain€1,99

Kiss Mommy Goodbye€0,99

The Ice Mountain€1,99
Skating on Thin Ice€1,99

Kingdom of the Kraal€0,99
Defeat of the Kraal€1,99
Revenge of the Kraal€1,99
Los Niños del Kraal€0,99

Dancing With the Enemy€1,99
The Way To Wimbledon€1,99
Last Tango€1,99
Kisses in the Dark€0,99
Spiral Staircase€0,99

Dieting is for Idiots€1,99

Los Niños del Kraal€0,99